Skill Booster START BRIGHT EDITION with App support


Skill Booster START BRIGHT EDITION is suitable for the ages 0-1. It offers an excellent foundation program for infants to help them build early cognitive and sensory-motor development. A single kit that has resources to aid your child developmental milestone journey. 100+ high quality engaging resources and 9+ Thematic activities for your newly born. Activities designed to enhance
parent-child bonding.
Product weight: 2 kgs

10 in stock


Skill Booster START BRIGHT EDITION Kit is suitable for the ages 0-1. It offers an excellent foundation program for infants to help them build early cognitive and sensory-motor development.A single kit that has resources to aid your child developmental milestone journey. 100+ high quality engaging resources and 9+ Thematic activities for your newly born. Activities designed to enhance
parent-child bonding.

Different elements in the kit:
1. High Contrast Cards ( Black & White) Infants from 0-2 months can only recognize black and white colours.

2. High Contrast Cards ( Introduction of Basic Colours) 3 months onwards the child starts to recognize basic colours and these are introduced through adorable high contrast cards.

3. Milestone Cards to celebrate your baby’s memorable moments.

4. DIY Cot Mobile to help newborns focus on colours and shapes, promoting their mental & visual development.

5. Lacing Board for fine motor development

6. Velcro Board & Shapes Cut Outs for pattern and shape recognition.

7. Keepsake Cards to imprint your infant’s tiny hands and feet for posterity.

8.Texture Cards for Sensory Stimulation

9. Milestone Poster to map your child’s development
Product weight: 2 kgs

Find all our learning kit unboxing videos here: START BRIGHT Kit starts from 5:24 mins – 6:13 mins

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25.5*25.5*4.5 cm


